About Us

Bursadelohn.ro is an online project which is aimed at facilitating the meeting between tender and demand in the field of textile manufacturing, leather manufacturing and other products manufacturing which may constitute the object of an outsourcing agreement in Romania.
The administrator of the site www.bursadelohn.ro  is SC ETNOCULTURA SRL, Unique Identification Code CUI 41212930, J03/1603/2019,Pitesti, Arges, represented by Catalin Iordache, with contact data  0755780978, email : bursadelohn@gmail.com.

Producer within www.bursadelohn.ro  is the legal person registered in Romania which can manufacture the product demanded by the buyer and which fills in correctly the registration form on the site. The producer members of www.bursadelohn.ro   may submit tenders to the demands posted on the site by the buyer members.
Buyer within www.bursadelohn.ro is the legal person registered in Romania or abroad which engages to manufacture products within an outsourcing agreement with Romanian producers and which fills in correctly the registration form on the site.

How does it work? In the moment in which the call to tender expires, the buyer chooses the winning offer or offers and contacts the producer or the producers who submitted them with the help of the contact data made available, and in this moment the role of www.bursadelohn.ro ends.
BursadeLohn © Copyright 2024, Toate Drepturile Rezervate